Mana's Book Review

Location: Currently Indiana, United States

I'm a single woman that currently lives in Indiana where I grew up, but am anxiously waiting to move back to Montana. Til then I'm trying to learn to Let Go, Let Live, and Let God.

Monday, September 26, 2005

"Monster" Review

Well I found "Monster" to be a very good book all in all. Frank Peretti does a good job of getting your attention right from the start of the book in the first chapter. Most of the time I had a hard time putting the book down, and had to read it at night in bed when I would get sleepy so that it would force me to have to stop.

Let me start off with a brief summary of the book. Couples Reed and Beck, and Sing and Cap have planned a weekend "survival" retreat up in the mountains at Randy Thompson's cabin. Things go very wrong, and the weekend ends up becoming a week long search/hunt. Beck has been carried off into the night by what Reed can only describe as a fowl smelling, banshee screaming, upright walking monster. While others in the search party and even his friend's Sing and Cap are curious as to what he saw, and are convinced they are hunting a bear, Reed is convinced otherwise. After trying to track the animal they have found hairs, and feces left behind. Luckily Cap is a scientist that has worked at a well known university and goes to try and analyze the hair and feces samples. What he ends up finding is so unbelievable and horrific he can not even imagine that it would be true that he must investigate.

All in all it is a good book if you like suspense, which I do. Also if you you are interested at ll in Evolution Vs. Science and genetic manipulation at all. There is a lot of that in this book. One other thing I really liked about the book was at the end of the chapter there are maps that pinpoint different locations of things that went on during that chapter. This was very cool and helps you visualize even more of what is going on in the story.

The only thing I would say that I did not like about the book is that with it being a Christian fiction book, there was not a whole lot of a Christian feel about the book. God was mentioned a few times, and then there was a debate with Evolution and Science. Other then that I felt like I was really reading any other standard fiction suspense type book. Still a good book though, and I definitely would recommend it.

Monday, September 19, 2005


Well unfortunately I left "Monster" at work over the weekend in my excitement to leave on Friday to get over to Notre Dame for the Pep Rally for Saturday's big first home game. Because of this I was unable to get the book finished by the end of the week like I had hoped, so that I could write my firt review for this site. Hopefully I can get it finished here in the next couple of days so we can really get this site going. I really want hope to have a good, fun, and enjoyable site for everyone to interact on. Well, I just wanted to keep everyone updated in case you have been checking back to hear the word on "Monster", so check back soon!

Monday, September 12, 2005

New Blog / First Book

So some of you may know I have another general blog. You all can check that one out as well. I thought since I love to read though, and do so much of it that it might be fun to do a separate type of book review blog. Here is the idea . . . To read a new book about every week, and post a review on it with a general idea of what it was about, and how I liked the book. Plus then anyone else who may have read the book can also post any comments and their feedback on the book. I also plan to have links to any of the general author's websites if available. Now I just finished reading all the books by my current favorite author, Francine Rivers. I will put up a link to her website, so you all can check her out since I will not be reviewing any of her books anytime soon unless she (crosses fingers) comes out with a new one.

What I just started reading, and will start out with is "Monster". This is Frank Peretti's newest book. He is a well known Christian fiction author. This is the first book I will have read by him, and I have heard he is very good. I have only read the first few chapters of "Monster" so far, but so far I am really enjoying it. If the book keeps going well I think I will really enjoy the rest of his books as well. Although I don't know if he can top Francine Rivers. LOL We shall see! So more to come as get through "Monster".